
Make your gift count. With a tax deductible donation to our 501(c)3 foundation you help our libraries grow and change to meet the needs of you, your family and the communities in Elbert County.

We appreciate the following kinds of donations:

  1. Cash via a check to the address below
  2. Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc) or PayPal via the donation button
  3. Bequests through your will or living trust
  4. Charitable trust or gift annuity
  5. Endowments
  6. Planned gifts of stock, real estate, life insurance, securities or mutual funds

Please send your donations to:
Pines & Plains Libraries Foundation
651 W. Beverly Street
Elizabeth, CO 80107

You may email us at with any questions or suggestions.

Enterprise Zone Tax Credit Project

In 2012, the Elbert County Library District became an Enterprise Zone project, meaning that contributions of $250 or greater are eligible for a 25% state income tax credit. Please see the attached document for information on how to make a donation through the East Central Enterprise Zone.
Certification of Qualified Enterprise Zone Contribution Form (pdf)

Enterprise Zone Information (pdf)